Friday, August 28, 2009


Can I display my photos across the bottom of the screen rather than in sequential order?
Answer: Good Question. With the 'PICTURES' feature from GADGETS you can only post single photos and place them in your side or bottom bar (check the side and bottom bar now for current photos called test pic 1,2,3) If you notice the bottom bar there is a side by side row of pics as well, this is a gadget called Picasa Photostream. Your google account can easily access picasa (another google brainchild) where you can upload your pictures and have them viewed by others. It will display whatever is your most recent album. So, if you have some pics you want to have the students view in class, you can upload them to picasa and then they will appear automatically on your blog as long as you have the photostream gadget installed either in the sidebar, bottom bar or under the blog. Within the gadget setup you can also adjust the size of the photo and choose to let students access your other photo albums or not. To set up PICASA just go to GMAIL and click on the PHOTOS link at the top left of your screen. It's pretty easy to set up and use but if you have problems, let me know and i'll run a quick tutorial on it when i get a chance. - Don

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Mr. G said...
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